Sunday, August 8, 2010

Training Report # 4

This week has been tough. After last week long run and the increase in millage my body is tired. My hip is doing well and I don't have any pain neither I am sore but I am tired and my legs feel a little heavy. 

I did a recovery 6 miles run on Tuesday and on Wednesday I was planning to take it easy again as I needed to do 8 miles but I ended up running with some of the flyers at my half marathon pace which was not smart at all. On Thursday I needed to do again 8 miles but  I was teaching for 5 hours during the afternoon standing on heels and I was so exhausted after teaching that I took some minutes to rest before heading the park which wasn't a good idea because it is getting dark sooner!! where did the summer go?? By the time I was just 5 miles into my run it was already completely dark...I felt I needed a headlamp!

I have heard in the news that there have been several incidents in the park so I decided that it wasn't a good idea to be out there running alone in the dark and I came back home...anyway it was just 3 miles, that won't hurt my training.

I took Friday off to recover for the race on Saturday but I was not feeling positive about it. Surprisingly I did much better that I expected. Without any kind of constant speed training and even though I was feeling like carrying 2 huge rocks on my calf I was able to perform close to my last year PR (last year I was in really good shape at this point of the year and injury free). I couldn't believe I ran again in the 8ish without even giving 100% (not that 8ish is really fast but I am not a fast runner so for me it is really FAST). I was actually may be running at my 85/90%. I am not sure if other runners feel the same but sometimes I am scared to give 100%, I think I might have a stroke or collapse in the course if I do. It is weird but I always think that.

The race was a team championships so you need to be part of a running team to race it which means that some of the best runners in the NY area were there. There were really fast!! Afterwards we had a picnic!!

Today I did a 22 miles run. I ran from Upper East Side to West 42nd street and Westside Highway where I met some Flyers, from there we ran north on the Riverside Park. The group just ran to @ 145 and turned back but I kept going by myself to the GW Bridge where I turned and ran all the way to Battery Park until the Brooklyn Bridge!! Here some pictures I took during the run.

It was really hot and I was really mile 20 I started to wonder how the HELL I will run 50 miles!! the idea of having to run the whole thing again scared me to dead!! but now I can't regret, I have told everyone about this...I have a blog about it...OMG...there is no way back...I MUST DO!!  LOL

Even though I completed the 22 miles this run was a complete failure in any other way....nothing worked as planned but at least I've learned a couple of lessons:

  • Carrying a banana in your belt pocket to substitute your GU it is NOT a good idea! I ended up with something that looked as banana pudding on my butt and 1 food less
  • You need to double check your meals/fluids and carry extra!!! No sure what happened but I left some of my GU on the table so I only had 2 GU and a mashed banana for a 22 miles run :(...thanks GOD I had change so I could buy an extra Gatorade in a vendor machine...always carry change!!! $20 bills are not useful on those machines :)
  • I hate I have 2 betls I will never wear again...someone want one?? I will go back to my hand bottle and I just ordered a new pair of shorts from race ready with pockets all around!!
  • Frozen Gatorade taste good but it is damn heavy on your belt
  • I need to buy more boobs chaffed again :(
  • I MUST do my long runs alone or with people slower than me....I did positive split again :( . At the beginning I was trying to keep up with the group and they were much faster than me
Anyway the balance of the week is totally positive!! I was able to follow the schedule and even though I am tired my body is not ready to collapse yet!!! hahahaha....this week I will increase my millage again...Wish me luck!!!!

Finally.....a girl needs some motivation to keep running with more than 80 degrees, thanks guys !!


  1. Go Claudia. But please rest when you are tired. A day off won't hurt your training at all.

  2. Thanks Dad!!!! LOL...I will!! Today I did nothing!! well just some stretching :)
