Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Running training tips for beginners

Have you gotten excited after reading my blog and want to start running?? GREAT!

I have put together 15 easy running training tips for beginners from my own experience and different publications I have read …….more tips to come!!!

  1. Start slow!! At first keep your runs short and slow to avoid injury and soreness so you do not quit.
  2. If you are breathing too hard slow down or walk a bit until you feel comfortable again.
  3. Pick your route close to home (out your front door)—the more convenient it is the better chance you will have sticking with it. I usually stretch at home so I just start running from my door and the same afterwards. It is ½ mile from my apartment to the park so it is 1 mile of extra running and time you save
  4. Find a beginner training plan for your first race and set realistic short term and long term goals. A 3 to 5 miles race is a good way to start and once you feel comfortable with that distance you can start increasing your millage.
  5. Keep a training log.
  6. Soreness one to two days after a run is normal. You can massage, ice and stretch to help recovery.
  7. No amount of money spent on gadget training programs or funny food can substitute for minutes, hours, days and weeks on the road.
  8. There’s no shame in walking….I keep repeating this to myself but it is tough. I do feel shame if I need to walk but we should all understand that It’s okay to take walk breaks if needed (run 1 minute walk 1 minute then progress to run 10 minutes walk 1 minute etc.).
  9. Vary your training routes. This will prevent boredom and prevent your body from getting acclimated. If you run on a loop do one lap clockwise and then change direction so your body works the same way for each side.
  10. Speed work doesn’t have to be scientific. You don’t need a Garmin to do it…try racing to one light post and then jogging to the next one.
  11. As my TFK coach used to tell me push through rough spots AKA hills by counting down from 100, this way your mind will get distracted.
  12. Do speedwork after you develop an endurance base. I always told my boss, who is trying to train for a 3 miles race, that he needs to get the distance first and then we will work on speed….he can’t even run 1.5 miles and he is already setting goals on time :P.…it doesn’t work that way! Only if you want to be a sprinter!
  13. Practice running harder in the last half of your runs AKA negative Splits!!!
  14. Run on trails if possible. It will be easier on your body and joins and you’ll love it.
  15. Rest!!! Rest is just as important as running
More tips on gear, nutrition, etc to come!!!

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