Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome EisnerAmper to my Blog!!!

Have you ever wondered how it feels to be famous and have people recognizing you?? 

Well, I have experienced a little of that during the last week. Since an email was sent to all my co workers inviting them to follow my training and my blog I have became a little popular in the office. Many people I don't know recognize me in the elevator and wish me good luck, I have received many emails from other runners, thriatlonists, and even people who have never run but would like to start.

Everyone has been really supportive and even though most of them think I am crazy for running 50 miles :) they all wish me good luck and ask me to keep them posted on the race.

I went to one of the partners office and he said " I am reading your blog, how are your cuads feeling?"  LOL.... 

In between all the emails I got there was one that really toughed me. Since I don't know if she wants to be recognized I won't say her name and I have deleted her personal training/ races information but I really wanted to share some paragraphs with you  because even though I am being recognized for my training and blog I am not the the only one in the office who is "challenging the body". Also I have asked her to write a post for my blog telling us about her training, lets hope she accepts!!

Reading about your upcoming challenge was really nice and refreshing. I am a runner myself and can totally relate to everything you are going about pushing limits, determination, dedication, and persistence. All those words mean so much to me and to people who push themselves to achieve more, as you said “something not many people can do".

I always try to do my best, always  have my own personal goal to do the best time possible, to be placed, feel accomplished.As you say, there is nothing better than doing something you love while hearing people screaming and cheering you on. It’s all about the energy and the atmosphere of different races which make me to like it even more and pushes me harder and harder each year and at each event.

I could love to hear about other people challenges and share them in my DO TELL ME your story!!There is not small challenge don't have to compare yourself with others just with yourself.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog, I will take all the good wishes with me next Saturday!!

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