Thursday, September 9, 2010

Training Report # 7

Rickenbacker Br

As I mentioned in my previous report I took it easy for a couple of days. I took some days off  at work and went to Miami for Labor Day weekend. Also, I decided to let my legs heal after so many 22+ miles runs the last month and be ready for my next challenge...31 miles. 

I just run 8 miles during the weekend reaching just 25 miles in the week, the lowest millage since I was injury back in June.  I did not run for 3 consecutive days!! this is really very unusual for me!!  Anyway,  I did enjoyed my only short run during the weekend and even though it was short it was really tough...I ran over the little baby you can see in the picture, the Rickenbacker Br!!  I woke up very early since I needed to be back and ready for breakfast by 9 AM.  Just someone crazy sets the alarm at 6 AM to go running on vacation!!!!

I left the hotel without really knowing where I was going but as soon as I hit the bay I saw 3 local runners so I asked them how safe was running to the bridge and also how to get there... They told me the run was pretty long and asked me how many miles I wanted to do so I said  " JUST 8 or 9 miles"...they looked at  me and said " are doing a long run" is funny how the meaning of short and long has changed for me.

I was excited for running in a new place and not knowing how tough or easy it could be or whether there could be other runners. As soon as I hit the bridge I found many runners mostly from Team in least their jersey were familiar for me and I felt like running in Central Park!! It was really hot, already 85+ at 7AM!! The run was fun and I was able to practice some tough hills!! 

Back in New York I returned to my regular training schedule and did 12 miles on Wednesday.   I have to admit that it was tough...believe it or not just a few days off and not eating healthy make a big difference in your I went out again and ran 10 miles...felt much better !!!

Tomorrow Friday is my rest day since on Saturday I will be doing my longest run ever 31 miles!!!  I really wonder how it will go and how I will feel afterwards!!

Stay tuned!!! this is going to be the real test of my training and will give me the confidence I need to reach my goal...50 miles!!!!

I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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