Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Motivational tips for beginner runners

My previous tips were to help you start getting involved in the running world, now I will give you some tips to stay motivated and  make running part of your life!!

  • Sign up for a race. A goal is the best way to keep you motivated during your training.
  • Start with reasonable goals otherwise you will feel discourage towards your progress. If you are a new runner may be a 5K or a 10K are good options.
  • Feel comfortable with the distance and build on speed  afterwards and move to the next will son be ready for a half marathon or even a marathon if you really like it.
  • Find a running partner if you don't like running alone or of you feel lazy frequently. It is much harder to skip a run when you have someone else depending on you. 
  • Accept and appreciate the fact that not every single run can be a good one. Learn of your mistakes and what didn't work. Too tired?  little food? too much food?
  • Think about something really  tough in your life that you have overcome....tell yourself....." if I did that I can finish this run, I can do it, I am stronger than some miles!!!"
  • Do not compare yourself to others, you are competing with YOURSELF. Run a little longer or a little faster every time you can.
  • Don’t expect every run to be better than the last one; some of them will hurt.
  • Don’t think too much about it or you won’t do it. As Nike says...JUST DO IT!!
  • Even a bad run is better then no run at all.
  • If you normally run with music try skipping it and listening to your feet to hear your pace and your gait.
  • I am a pro "no music while running" I do not listen music in any of my runs, not even in my very long runs as I prefer to pay attention to the road, the people around, the view, think about my running forms, is also much more safe ...bikes are dangerous in NY and you better heard them coming from behind!!!
  • Don’t be discouraged if you don’t experience weight loss immediately. It is not true that runners can eat everything they want!!! The most important thing is to have energy to keep running, feel fit,  gain muscles and you will see that clothes fit better.
  • Keep a training log of each run. Record times, distances and any other statistic or aspect of your running you might find valuable. A training log allows you to monitor your progress and learn from your mistakes. Many runners regularly review their training logs to look at the work they've done in the past to provide motivation for the future.
  • While training think about your goal. Why are you running? what are you training for? think about the race you want to complete and how that training run will help you to achieve it.
  • Think about you crossing the finish line...I do it all the time...I visualize the race day and how I will be crossing the the finish line and how good I will feel then.

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