Monday, July 26, 2010

I smell TRI

Last weekend I went to Princeton, NJ to cheer my friends doing their first Triathlon.  It was also my first time watching a complete Triathlon and since I was following 3 persons who started in different waves I feel I really watched 3 TRI!! We were calculating times and running from one side to the other to be able to see all of them in each part of the TRI.  It was a very interesting experience starting from the fact that I was not participating and  I think I  have gotten used to be part of the is weird to be in the other side and I think  I might not be a good observer because I was dying for jumping into the course and run with them!! or bike...I can totally skip the swimming part though :). 

I was feeling all the time that I belonged to the other side of the defense! I could feel their pain and also the happiness in their faces when they were approaching the finish was like reviving my own happiness looking at their faces during those last yards.  When you know how it is being in the other side you can noticed details and see things that may be other people can't. I loved to see how everyone's face changed   approaching the finish line. Gabriela sprinted to the end and I was feeling so happy for her that I felt s crossing  it with her!!! She seemed to enjoy every single part, she was smiling and jumping all the time!! So much energy!!

I am really impress by all  of them,  it lasted just for a couple of hours but they have invested months training for this, it is already tough to train for just one sport and I can't imagine how much time and sacrifices it might require to train for 3 different disciplines.   Congratulations to all of them!!

I specially want to mention my friend John who  is not very  happy with his result but I disagree with him.

When he started his training he didn't know how to swim very well and like me,  he was a little afraid of it too. He  learned how to swim during his training and also Saturday was his first time swimming in a lake! It is not easy to just swim there for first time and more when you have just learned how to swim. He completed the TRI and that is a great accomplishment.   I think it is very impressive that he didn't quit despite of his fears and the extreme hot weather we had on Saturday. Kudos to you John, you have not only challenged your body but also your mind!

You guys are the hero of the week!

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