Monday, July 12, 2010

Training report #1

Last week I finally started my utlramarathon training and I was able to do the 38 miles scheduled for the week. This weekly millage will start increasing averaging in general 50/55 miles per week with peaks of 60 miles and a couple of recovery weeks with just 45 miles.

During the weekend I did my first back to back long runs training, or what I call…mini long runs since they really weren’t that long for an ultramarathon. I did 14 miles on Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday. Even though these distances are not new to me, the back to back long run concept is.
Back to back long runs is the key difference between marathon and ultramarathon training. I will explain in another post these differences.

The weather wasn’t perfect but I could handle the heat and humidity well. I think that after running a marathon with almost 90F I can handle any long run in the heat!! I am pretty good running in the heat, I can’t sprint but at a slow pace I can just keep going and going as the Duracell rabbit! LOL…I carried plenty of Gatorade, electrolytes pills and I stopped at the water fountains and threw water on my head.

Even though I need to do many loops to get my long runs done I have to admit that I do like running in the Bridal Path. There is water, the dirt is gently on my joints, I meet many people I know and I am starting to meet new people that run at the same time I do. The only cont I see in running there is that I get too dirty LOL…see the picture!! I just got those shoes 4 days ago and they look so dirty already…not to mention my legs!! My friend thought it was hair…. NOOOOOO it is dirt!!! I don’t have hair on my legs!! LOL

My hip did well this weekend, just a little discomfort on Saturday but nothing too bad. On Sunday my hip felt pretty well, no pain at all but I got a cramp on my calf around mile 5 and it never went away…I stopped and massaged it but the pain didn’t want to leave so I did what every runner does…just keep running! It was painful but I need to learn how to run with pain as so many things can happen in 50 miles!

I am really happy about this weekend, I felt very well, I was not sore at all and I felt full of energy during my runs and I was also able to have a pretty good social life without being extremly tired!! LOL... I think I am doing a good job with my nutrition too. No, I am not dieting to lose weight; I am just trying to eat the right food, calories and proportions for runners.

I took 2 ice bath but I think my body is so used to them that the water doesn’t feel that cold anymore…LOL….I might need to add more ice!!

My hip feels perfect today, I am so happy about it!! Nevertheless my calf still hurts. I have the day off so hopefully will get better for tomorrow night.

Total miles for this week 42…..lets run!!!

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