Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling the UltraPassion again :)

Here we go reports!!

Runner snack!! just 1/4 cup
Two weeks ago I started my training for the upcoming ultramorathons during May and June and things have been going really well. The first two weeks weren't that difficult to accomplish but it takes time to get used to the routine again and not to mention that it is busy season at work and I am working ridiculous hours including Saturdays so finding a time to get all my runs done has been the main challenge. 

I have put together my schedule for the 50 Miller and basically I am being a little more aggressive in my long runs than last year training. I think I can consider myself a more experience runner now and using a beginner schedule doesn't make sense anymore, I want to add more long runs so I can start getting my body ready for next year....yeah...I am still thinking to run a 100 miller!!

The schedule is just the barely minimum to do per week...I can't allow myself to do less than that but if I can I am planning to run additional miles.  I am not a morning person....(have I even mentioned it ?? LOL I guess so!!!) .... so waking up at 5 am to go for a run before going to the office it is not really appealing to me. I know the treadmill it is not the best way to train for an ultramarathon and I really don't enjoy running there so much but it is the more convenient way I have found to keep up with the week training,  at least during the peak of my busy season.

I am squeezing  my runs during my lunch time and since I try to take the less possible amount of  time to do this I am focusing on doing tempo and speed work instead of distance during the week.  I have joined a gym just 1 block from my office and I am already an expert in getting there, change, run, shower and come back to the office in just 1 hour!!! LOL...I don't even  dry my hair or get my make up done again....yeah if you were wondering why I look different during the afternoon...that is the reason!! and my hair gets curly when I don't dry it so some people have been confused in the office and asking me " do you look different than this morning??" LOL

Anyway, I have found some good speed work outs you can do in the treadmill and I have been trying a different one every week.

I have also noticed that my performance at work has improved since I am running during lunch time.  I used to feel sleepy during the afternoon and tired around 6PM but I have been having a lot of energy after running.  I can now work later, in a better mood and with tons of energy!!

And more importantly I am not mad for not be able to go running for staying late at work! :)
Saturday runs

During the weekend I am doing my long runs in Central Park. I have to go to the office on Saturday so I need to get my long run done very early in the morning. Fortunately  for me a group of friends from the the Flyers also prefers to get their run done very early  and  we have started a nice  running group a couple of weeks ago and now we are around 10 runners getting together at 7:30 AM to run a variety of miles.

At a  minimum we all run a  loop, that is 6 miles, and after that some of us keep going for additional miles.  After getting my run done ...I keep running!! yeah..I go home, take a quick shower and head the office immediately....I have managed to be at the office around 10:30 AM and staying until 4PM.

On Sunday I am doing my back to back run what means that I need to run around 1/2 of the miles I ran the day before. I am not joining any group to do this because as I go out on Saturday nights :) I try to catch up with my sleep during Sunday morning and I am heading the park a little later than most of  my friends.

Anyway I haven't been running alone because every time I head the park I meet someone I know to run with...I can't believe how many runners I now know....I keep saying hi to people all the time while running...LOVE IT!!

I am starting to build up the millage again so my last two long runs were 12 and 14 miles and the next two weeks I will be doing 16 and 18......feeling the UltraPassion again!!!!

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