Monday, December 6, 2010

I didn't die during the marathon I have just been lazy!!!

Hola hola!!! I did survive the marathon but I have been lazy!!! I know I should have written an update before but I was taking a rest....from running and from blogging about running!! Actually I have been running but not as much as before. I am running half of the miles I was running before the ultra because I think it is important for the body to heal. I pushed my body a lot this year and he deserved a month of rest!!!   
I am not going to lie ....I am just partially happy about my performance in the marathon.  Who can be happy doing worst than the previous year!!! come one...whoever say that,  it is lying!! if you are a serious runner you not only want to have fun but also improve.  So,  I ran 3 minutes slower than my previous NYC Marathon......and I am not happy with that!!!!
  Many people have told me that I should be happy since I just ran a 50 miller 4 weeks before the marathon and I was still recovering but that doesn't make me feel happy about my time!!  Yes I am happy that I was able to complete  a 50 miller and a marathon in just 1 month and I felt strong after both races and went back to run just a few days afterwards but my speed hasn't improved as mush as my endurance.  I was feeling strong but my quads were still trashed and I could feel them pulling apart in every step after mile 16....I think I wasn't as recovered as I thought. I was feeling good when I slowed down but at soon as I tried to speed up the pain was back. I didn't feel the distance at all but my quads were not ready for racing yet. 
I need to keep working and try to keep doing ultras without hurting my speed. I need to learn how to train for both things at the same time because that was my mistake, I focused so much on my long runs and adding miles to my schedule that I barely did speed work during the year.

Since the marathon every person I know has been asking me "what is next?" incredible but I got this question from the very next day after the marathon and they are still asking everyday!....everyone is giving me a weird look when I say " I don't know yet".  Nobody can believe that I don't really know what I will do next year but it is truth!!!

The problem I am having is that there are so many things I want to do that it is tough to decide. I could love to do everything I want but with my work schedule I know I need to keep my training easy for the first half of the year or at least until  May. I am so much jealous of all my friends who can keep the same training all year around :(  but with my crazy busy season schedule that it is almost impossible for me.

And here is where I am now....with a big list of things I want to do but just half a year to do them....and it has been a little tough to decide since I will need to postpone some things for the following year.
My little month vacation just finished and now I need to slowly go back to my training.....hopefully will be able to keep running while I am in Argentina visiting my family...oh yes !! it is summer there!!! so shorts and tan tops will be back!!! 
I will have a final decision about my next year when I came back!!!

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